New Student Orientation
For information regarding MSU’s New Student Orientation (NSO), please visit
Incoming Honors students will have the chance to meet with an Honors College Advisor prior to enrollment as part of the Orientation schedule:
During your registered NSO date(s), you will be meeting with your Academic Advisor to discuss your 2020-2021 academic schedule and enroll for your courses. Both a Major advisor and HC advisor will send you information directly regarding your advising date and time during NSO. Please pay specific attention to the date(s) and time(s) you are assigned.
Please see below for frequently asked questions and details pertaining to NSO and incoming Honors students:
Where can I receive information regarding New Student Orientation (NSO)?
All NSO-related communications will be sent to your MSU e-mail address. This year, it is extremely important to check this inbox regularly as advisors will be sending more details via e-mail than in previous years.
Do I need to do anything before my NSO date?
Yes! Please see and complete the First Year Student Checklist on the MSU orientation website.
What information will I be sent regarding NSO?
We will send instructions on when your Honors College advising will occur. The NSO office will also send important information how to activate your net id, tutorials on how to use the D2L platform, Zoom instructions, and how to schedule courses and enroll when it is time to do so.
How will the HC advising work during NSO?
We will be using the Zoom platform to conduct advising remotely during NSO. Students will have the ability to use video, audio, and chat functions with their advisor during the session.
Do you have any tips for HC students coming into to NSO?
Yes! Take time to read all the e-mails sent regarding NSO thoroughly and get familiar with the system on D2L prior to your NSO date.
It will be vital for you to complete the required homework prior to your advising session. You will receive e-mails from HC specifically with your appointment time and a link to a Google form that we must have completed prior to your advising session. Please complete the Google form at least 7 days before your scheduled meeting time and use your MSU account to complete the form (do not forward to another e-mail). If you are unsure what your pending AP scores will be, give us your best guess.
My parents/guardian want to be with me during my advising sessions. Is that allowed?
Due to FERPA regulations, all MSU advising appointments are between an advisor and the student ONLY. These advising sessions are confidential and protected by federal law, so we encourage parents to speak with their students prior to their appointments with advisors.
When do I register for my courses during NSO?
You will register after meeting with both your Honors and Major advisors. During NSO, students enroll for both Fall and Spring terms for the 2020-2021 academic year.
I can see that I have already been enrolled in some classes – what happened?
It is perfectly normal to see pre-enrollment in some courses depending on the Math Placement Exam or your selected major/program. If any changes need to be made, we can make adjustments during your advising time.
After I register for classes am I able to make changes?
Yes. All students will be able to alter their schedules beginning Friday, July 31st after NSO has been completed.
I already know that I want to change my major – what do I do?
It is important to change your major prior to your NSO date. You can change your major through the Be a Spartan Portal at:
The “course completion due date” on your NSO D2L module is your last opportunity to change your major before NSO.
I am a student that will require accommodations at MSU – what do I do?
If you have a disability, medical condition, or diagnosed mental health condition and will need related assistance during your Orientation and/or during upcoming semesters at MSU, you can register with RCPD and may be eligible to receive accommodations.
If you need accommodations for New Student Orientation, please begin registration with RCPD at least 2 weeks in advance of your scheduled NSO dates.
Do I have to take the Math Placement Exam prior to NSO?
All first-year students are required to take the MPS exam unless they meet certain exemption criteria prior to orientation. We highly recommend that all students who plan on taking Math courses at MSU take the Math Placement Exam by June 1. While you may be waived from this requirement due to your SAT/ACT or AP credit, taking the placement exam will help to find the appropriate math courses for you and you may be pre-enrolled in up to 4 courses required for your MSU degree upon completion.
What about Foreign Language Placement?
If you have studied a foreign language and are interested in continuing this course of study (and are not bringing in AP or transferable credit), you must complete the relevant language test. The test results will determine an appropriate starting level for college language study, based on your proficiency in reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and listening. It is suggested students take the placement exam even if they do not plan to immediately enroll in foreign language courses.
Foreign language placement tests in French, German and Spanish are available and should be completed prior to attending NSO. Students who have studied languages for which no placement test is offered should consult a representative of the appropriate language department during or after NSO to determine suitable placement.
You can learn more about Language Placement Testing here: