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Spartan Helmet Thermometer Example

Spartan Helmet Thermometer Shortcode Usage.

Example Usage:
[spartan_helm_therm percent=47 width=500 align="center" raised="$1,400" goal="$3,000"]

The shortcode accepts the following five arguments.

percent = Defaults to 0. The percentage funded. Controls the location of the helmet logo fill line. Whole numbers highly recommended. Round up.

width = Defaults to 350. Width of the containing element. This will be width in pixels on screen. Us whole numbers only.

align = Optional. Horizontal position of the element. Accepts “none”, “left” (text wraps to right), “right” (text wraps to left), or “center”.

raised = Optional. The amount of funding raised. Surround value with double quotes as seen in example. This should be plain text and will render exactly as written to screen.

goal = Optional. The goal amount. Surround value with double quotes as seen in example. This should be plain text and will render exactly as written to screen.

Example Output:

raised of $3,000 goal

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