Research Opportunities
Michigan State University is a leader in offering research options for academically talented students in every discipline.
Undergraduate research:
- Connects leading faculty mentors with undergraduate students
- Fosters the development of the student’s knowledge and academic skills
- Enables student researchers to consider publishing and presenting their work at regional or national conferences
- Encourages development of the students’ own independent research
- Provides a competitive edge for students considering graduate school
Research Programs
Research programs, especially for Honors College students, include paid assistantships as well as research and independent study classes for credit.
- Professorial Assistantships
- Honors Research Seminars
- Research Scholars Program
- Research, Independent Study, or Thesis Courses
Research Presentation Opportunity
University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum – held each spring with presentation opportunities for students in all areas of study
Research Support
Modest support for research, including independent study and thesis work, is available.
- Honors College Conference Travel Award
- Honors College Research Fund
- Genevieve Gillette Fellowship
- Hymen and Miriam Stein Scholarship
- MLK, Jr. Advancing Inclusion through Research Award
Additional Helpful Links
- MSU Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities
- Venture – a database of research, scholarship and creative opportunities available to MSU undergraduates