People Category: Office of the Dean
Alyssa Briones is the Executive Staff Assistant to Dr. Glenn Chambers, Interim Dean Designee of the Honors College and Interim Dean of the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities at Michigan State University. An arts and humanities graduate of RCAH, Alyssa also minored in Chicano and Latino Studies. Most recently, she was a communicator […]
Jennifer is the College Records Officer for The Honors College. In her role, she supports Honors College Advancement activities related to donor communication, collection of data and generating reports. She also processes Honors options, overrides and coding processes for students. Jennifer will coordinate the posting of student scholarships, which includes tracking the progress of these […]
As an assistant dean, Dr. Justin Micomonaco oversees the academic advising team and undergraduate research opportunities supported by the college. In addition, Dr. Micomonaco leads assessment and research efforts to inform and support the strategic plan set forth by the Dean. Responsible for assessing Honors College programs, he also identifies opportunities to collaborate with other […]
Lee N. June is a native of Manning, South Carolina. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Tuskegee Institute/now Tuskegee University (biology); masters of education (rehabilitation counseling), masters of arts (clinical psychology), and the doctorate of philosophy in clinical psychology all from the University of Illinois- Champaign- Urbana. He also has a certificate in theological studies […]
Dr. Glenn Chambers is Interim Dean of the Honors College and Interim Dean of the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities at Michigan State University. Specializing in the history of the Modern Caribbean, Chambers focuses on the former British colonies post emancipation, specifically on the social and cultural history of African descended populations during […]