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A smiling student in wire-rimmed classes and a blue collared shirt stands in front of a red brick building with wooden shingles.
Graphic of a tan and dark green baseball card, with a photo of Charlie McLravy standing in front of the shops on Mackinac Island on the front. On the back is the text: "Charlie McLravy, Broad College of Business, East Lansing, MI, '73." Then more text states: "Charlie is an award-winning mystery author, multimedia professional, attorney, and nationally recognized upland conservation leader. LAST IMPACT: He established a discretionary estate gift to support the future of the Honors College." Beneath that is a dark green MSU Honors College logo.

Author, Attorney, Media Owner, and Ad Executive: Alumnus Charlie McLravy Explores Unique Career Paths

Gary Seevers stands in front of Cook-Seever Hall while it is under construction. Seevers is smiling at the camera, and is wearing a large gold medal around the neck.

A Lasting Legacy: Remembering Alumnus and Supporter Gary Seevers

Four MLK Awardees stand together around a MSU branded banner that reads, "We Are Spartans of Discovery".

Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Award honors inclusion through research

DRS award winners pictured with Honors College Interim Dean Glenn Chambers.

Student work at Diversity Research Showcase spans disciplines across MSU

Portrait of Brett Binkowski in front of Eustace Cole Hall.

Honors College alumnus joins advising team

Lowell Monis in front of Eustace Cole Hall and neighboring buildings in the background.

Previous awardees return with continuations of their research for the Diversity Research Showcase

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