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Finding a Home in the Honors College

Students exiting Eustace Hall

Second-year computer science student Praneetha Ankisettipalli was invited to join the Honors College after her first semester at Michigan State University.

While rising expectations and a major change in pace can be a lot for any student to adjust to, Ankisettipalli was ready for the challenge.

“The requirements to be in Honors College and the difference between honors options and honors courses was initially confusing, but the advisors helped me understand the difference between the two and were very helpful in figuring out my schedule for the upcoming semesters,” she said.

Ankisettipalli explained that learning how to manage her time has been the most crucial learning experience in succeeding as an Honors student.

“You are expected to be a high achieving student and have certain expectations to meet,” she said. “Working under pressure and time management is something we have to deal with all the time in the real world, and I feel like the HC really teaches you these things that will turn out to be very useful in your career.”

One of her favorite aspects of the community is the welcoming atmosphere.

Getting to know faculty who are supportive and meeting students who are as academically inclined as she is has pushed Ankisettipalli out of her comfort zone.

“I was not involved in any programs my freshmen year but volunteering for a single event during the summer is all it took for me to want to join some programs in the HC,” she said. “Just to have a chance to closely work with the amazing faculty after seeing how warm, loving, and supportive they are.”

Ankisettipalli is part of Honors Students Actively Recruiting (H-STAR) and MOSAIC, a group aiming to foster multiculturalism in the Honors College through programming and special events.

She is also part of the MSU Filmmakers Club.

“Ever since I was a child, I’ve always wished to be a part of movies, on or off-screen. And when I went to Sparticipation and came across the Filmmakers Club and instantly wanted to be a part of it,” she said. “I felt like this club would be the perfect opportunity for me to explore the field that I’ve always wanted to and learn more about movies and the filmmaking process.”

The club is currently working on a short film, “Stacy’s Mom,” in which Ankisettipalli is a production assistant. During filming, she assists the director to ensure everything runs smoothly on set.

While Ankisettipalli is not exactly sure what she wants to do after graduation, she is considering working in the entertainment industry in departments that involve computer science.

“You don’t need to have it all figured out. No matter how complicated it might seem initially, you will slowly but surely find yourself exactly where you want to be,” she said. “I am fully confident that I will be able to fulfill the requirements and graduate from the Honors College. Try your best, don’t give up, and most importantly, don’t procrastinate!”

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