By Brandi Stover
Andrew and Carolyn Bratzel owe everything to computer software.
When Andrew was a first-year student and Carolyn was a second-year, they met for the first time in South Case Hall. They lived on the same floor and, as a result, always seemed to cross paths at social functions and in the study lounge.
“When you live in the residence halls, everybody eats together, and friends overlap so much,” Carolyn said. “You see everybody every day for meals, so [Andrew and I] became pretty good friends.”
Less than two years later, they began dating. Now married for 43 years, they are thankful for the technology that inadvertently brought them together.
“We always thank the computer that does the housing assignments because it worked out pretty well for us,” Carolyn joked.
It’s in the family
Both Andrew and Carolyn were introduced to Michigan State through family connections. Andrew’s brother and brother-in-law were Spartans, and Carolyn’s father was a professor in the College of Engineering.
“I got into both Michigan and Michigan State, but Michigan State had the program that I wanted, that being James Madison,” Andrew said. “That drew me to Michigan State more than anything else.”
“When you walk across campus, everyone is so nice and friendly,” Carolyn said. “I felt so at home and comfortable, so even though I didn’t initially want to go here, I am so glad this is where I ended up.”
They were also both members of the Honors College.
When it came time for their three daughters to choose a school, Andrew and Carolyn knew their children would thrive on the banks of the Red Cedar.
Their oldest daughter Amy was interested in international relations, so it was natural for her to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a Madisonian.
Allison, their middle daughter, was unsure if East Lansing was the place for her. But after earning the prestigious Alumni Distinguished Scholarship from the Honors College, she couldn’t turn down the chance to wear Spartan green.
And last but certainly not least, the youngest Bratzel, Claire, had an easy decision ahead of her. She still made her experience on campus her own though, becoming a member of the Homecoming Court and exploring her own set of interests.
Creating a legacy
All five members of the Bratzel family were members of the Honors College, so when Claire brought up the idea of giving, that became the natural home for their philanthropy.
“She saw others with loans and struggling financially, realized how lucky she was, and wanted to give back and help out as many people as she could,” Carolyn said.
“The second I put on my green cap and gown and walked across the stage, I knew that I had to help other people graduate from MSU,” Claire said. “I wanted to follow the example set by my grandparents, John and Vivienne Kreer, who gave to the university throughout their lives and cared deeply about fellow Spartans.”
They established a family endowment dedicated to the Honors College and its students, with each member of the family supporting the fund.
The endowment is a broad fund that gives the Honors College the freedom to decide how to spend it. The Bratzels’ experience in higher education showed them the wide array of students who could benefit from the funds, and they wanted as many students to be impacted as possible.
“We wanted to give the people administering the scholarship the discretion on where to put the money because they know who needs it the most,” Andrew said.
“The more kids we can get into Michigan State and out of here with no debt is a good thing,” Carolyn added.
Extending their legacy to Campbell Hall
Andrew and Carolyn recently expanded their giving to contribute to the Campbell Hall renovation. This project will transform the building into an Honors College living-learning community.
To celebrate, the pair attended the Campbell Hall groundbreaking ceremony in May. They have committed to fund the building’s south foyer.
“It was really exciting to get the design and get our little spot in the building, in the south part because we met in South Case Hall,” Carolyn said. “Standing in the space, I felt inspired thinking about everything that could happen there.”
“Eustace-Cole is pretty tiny, so this upgrade shows how important the Honors College is on campus,” Carolyn said.
The Bratzels acknowledged how the creation of an Honors College living-learning community will positively change the relationship between the college and its students.
“This project helps advance the mission to make more of a community feel in the college,” Andrew said. “When we went here, we didn’t have that. It was only something on your resume, not a place to meet people. It was more formal and rigid, and I appreciate that this is something the Honors College is turning away from,” he continued.
“This community is something we believe in strongly, and we want to help that mission along, which is why we’re doing this,” Andrew said.
Thank you to Andrew, Carolyn, Amy, Allison, and Claire for their unwavering support of the Campbell Hall project and the Honors College.
Click here to learn more about the Campbell Hall renovation project and how to get involved.