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Honors Option Authorization

Students should visit the Honors Option webpage for step-by-step instructions.

This list is a guideline. In the courses listed below, providing an Honors Option is ultimately the decision of the course instructor.

Courses specifically listed as not authorized for an Honors Option cannot be changed and students should not ask a course instructor for an exemption.


The Honors College does not accept H-options in:

  • Internships/Field Work/Practicums or other experiential education courses (apart from EGR 392, EGR 493 & EGR 494)
  • Independent Studies
  • One credit and variable credit courses (exceptions made for MUS courses for MUS majors)
  • Education Abroad – Direct Enroll; (MSU faculty-led programs are permitted)
  • CR/NC and P/N courses if the department has a minimum course GPA requirement
    • Exception Spring 2023: Courses taken as CR/NC are eligible to earn the honors option, if the numerical grade submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the instructor meets the department’s minimum grade requirements. 
  • Courses already notated with an H, meaning only one honors experience per course
  • Please submit only one agreement form per class. If an error was made or additions need to be made, you must cancel the original form and resubmit.
Department Department Code Authorized Courses Guidelines
Accounting and Information Systems ACC, ITM All courses except for ACC 250 1. An Honors Option is available at professor’s discretion. Because of other commitments, a faculty member may not be able to offer the option.2. Honors Options will not be offered in courses taught by graduate assistants unless the H-Option supervision is provided by a faculty member. Faculty here is defined as Board-appointed faculty and those designated as Professors of Practice in our Department.3. To receive Honors Option credit, a student must earn a grade of 3.0 or higher in the regular course and a 3.0 or higher on the additional Honors Option work.4. An Honors Option is not independent study and does not substitute for a regular course.
Advertising, Public Relations, and Retailing ADV, PR, RET All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
African American and African Studies AAAS All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
American Indian and Indigenous Studies AIIS All courses except 490 and 493 This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Agriculture and Natural Resources Dean ANR All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Animal Science ANS All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Anthropology ANP All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Applied Engineering Sciences AESC Only AESC 210, 310 This department follows the University Policy for the Honors Option.  In general, the Honors Option designation will be given only to students who have done a significant project (research paper, a major extension of course material, etc.) that is in addition to the regular requirements in the specific course. Completion of extra homework problems does not meet the high standards for Honors Option designation expected by this department.
Art, Art History, and Design ATD, GD, HA, STA ATD at the 200-level or above, GD at the 200 level or above, all HA, STA 112, STA 201, and all STA at the 300-level or above 1. An Honors Option agreement must be completed by the end of the first week of the semester. 2. Graduate student instructors are not permitted to offer the Honors Options in their courses.
Arts and Letters Dean AL,ACM, AMS, GSAH, HED, JS, MUSM All courses except for internships (AL 493A, 493B, 493C) This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BMB All courses except for BMB 100 and 101 Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Biomedical Laboratory Diagnostics BLD All courses except for BLD 121, 204, 424L, 430L, 435L, 452L, at the discretion of the instructor The student must perform satisfactorily (at least at the 3.0 level) in the regular work in the class to receive the Honors Option.
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Sciences AE, ATM, BE All courses This department follows the University Policy for the Honors Option.  In general, the Honors Option designation will be given only to students who have done a significant project (research paper, a major extension of course material, etc.) that is in addition to the regular requirements in the specific course. Completion of extra homework problems does not meet the high standards for Honors Option designation expected by this department.
Business BUS Only BUS 200 and 491. This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Chemical Engineering and Materials Science CHE, MSE All Courses This department follows the University Policy for the Honors Option.  In general, the Honors Option designation will be given only to students who have done a significant project (research paper, a major extension of course material, etc.) that is in addition to the regular requirements in the specific course. Completion of extra homework problems does not meet the high standards for Honors Option designation expected by this department.
Chemistry CEM All 200-, 300-, and 400-level courses Honors Options will not be offered by graduate student instructors unless the Honors Option is supervised by faculty or academic staff. Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Chicano/Latino Studies CLS Only CLS 201 Students must earn a 3.5 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit.
Civil and Environmental Engineering CE, ENE All courses Honors Options will not be offered by graduate student instructors unless the Honors Option is supervised by faculty.

This department follows the University Policy for the Honors Options. In general, the Honors Option designation will be given only to students who have done a significant project (research paper, a major extension of course material, etc.) that is in addition to the regular requirements in the specific course. Completion of extra homework problems does not meet the high standards for Honors Option designation expected by this department.

Communication COM All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Communication Arts and Sciences Dean CAS All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Communicative Sciences and Disorders CSD All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Community Sustainability CSUS All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering CMSE All courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit.
Computer Science and Engineering CSE All courses In general, the Honors Option designation will be given only to students who earn a 3.5 or 4.0 in the course under the same criteria applied to all other students in the course and who have done a significant project (research paper, a major extension of course material, etc.) that is in addition to the regular requirements in the specific course. Completion of extra homework problems does not meet the high standards for Honors Option designation expected by this department.
Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education CEP Only CEP 150, 240, 261, 301, 351, 416, 441A, 441B, 442A, 442B, 444, 445, 449, and 452 1. Students must earn 3.0 or better in the course.

2. Honors Options not to be offered in courses taught by graduate assistants unless supervision is provided by a regular faculty member.

Criminal Justice CJ All courses Student must submit Honors Option Agreement form no later than the course drop date for the given semester. Must also earn at least a 3.0 in course. No retro active Honors Options authorized.
Economics EC All except EC 201, 202, 301, 302 and 340 Honors Options will not be offered by graduate student instructors.
Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE All courses Contact instructor during first two weeks of semester for specific requirements. Plans for Honors Options in courses taught by graduate student instructors must be approved by the supervising faculty member in advance.

This department follows the University Policy for the Honors Options. In general, the Honors Option designation will be given only to students who have done a significant project (research paper, a major extension of course material, etc.) that is in addition to the regular requirements in the specific course. Completion of extra homework problems does not meet the high standards for Honors Option designation expected by this department.

Engineering Dean EGR All courses This department follows the University Policy for the Honors Option.  In general, the Honors Option designation will be given only to students who have done a significant project (research paper, a major extension of course material, etc.) that is in addition to the regular requirements in the specific course. Completion of extra homework problems does not meet the high standards for Honors Option designation expected by this department.
English ENG All courses numbered 210 and above (except for ENG 232) 1. Only regular faculty members may offer Honors Option work in English.2. Although a teacher may require that plans for Honors Option work be prepared in the first week of a term, a teacher may allow a student to make plans for the Honors Option later than the first week of the term [but no later than mid-term]3. A minimum course grade of 3.0 is required in addition to satisfactory completion of the Honors Option project to receive the Honors Option designation.
Entomology ENT All courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Environmental Economics and Management AFRE All courses Honors Option available at instructors’ discretion. Because of other commitments, a faculty member may not be able to offer the option. Students with Honors College membership or 3.5 GPA are eligible. Others must be recommended by the academic adviser and the instructor will decide on eligibility.
Epidemiology EPI Only EPI 200, 280, 290, 380, 390, and 490 This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Experience Architecture XA All XA Courses except 482 This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Film Studies FLM All courses numbered 210 and above 1. Only regular faculty members may offer H-Option work in Film Studies2. Although a teacher may require that plans for Honors Option work be prepared in the first week of a term, a teacher may allow a student to make plans for the Honors Option later than the first week of the term [but no later than mid-term].3. A minimum course grade of 3.0 is required in addition to satisfactory completion of the Honors Option project to receive the Honors Option designation.
Finance FI, GBL All courses 1. An honors Option is available at the professor’s discretion. Because of other commitments, a professor may decline to offer the Honors Option.2. Honors Options will not be offered in courses taught by graduate assistants unless the H-option supervision is provided by a faculty member. Faculty here is defined as regular (tenure-stream) and fixed-term faculty appointed in the department.

3. To receive an Honors Option, a student must earn a grade of 3.5 or higher in the course to which the H-option is attached.4. The requirements of the Honors Option must be acceptable to both the student and the professor. A typical Honors Option might require a 15-20 page research paper, although other projects requiring a commensurate amount of study and reflection are possible. Recent examples of non-traditional Honors Options within the department include participation in a book club (with readings, note preparations, and discussions with other Honors students and the professor) and in a lecture series of prominent speakers from industry.

Fisheries and Wildlife FW All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Food Science and Human Nutrition FSC, HNF All courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Forestry FOR All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Romance & Classical Studies CLA, FRN, GRK, ITL, LTN, PRT, ROM, SPN LTN & GRK:LTN102, GRK102 and for all classes at 200 level. Other languages: all courses except 1st and 2nd year language courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Geography GEO All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Geological Sciences GLG All courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
History HST All courses Students must earn 3.5 or better in course.
Horticulture HRT All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Hospitality Business HB All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Human Development and Family Studies & Child Development HDFS (formerly FCE) All courses except 320L, 321L, 424, 490 (which has an Honors version), 493 1. Honors Option is available at professor’s discretion. Because of other commitments, a faculty member may not be able to offer the option.2. To receive Honors Option credit, a student must earn a grade of 3.0 or higher in the course.
Public Health PH PH 101, 102, and 103 This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Human Resources & Labor Relations HRLR Only HRLR 211, 311, 313, 314, 315, 410, and 414 This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Integrative Studies – General Science ISB, ISP All courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Integrative Studies – Social Science ISS All sections eligible pending written approval by Director 1. Honors Option is available at professor’s discretion. Student must contact instructor during first two weeks of semester for specific requirements. Honors Options are limited to Fall and Spring semesters.

2. Instructor must contact the CIS Director by the end of the third week of the semester to register the Honors Option requirements and confirm authorization.

3. Student must earn at least a 3.0 grade in the course to receive credit for the Honors Option.

Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities IAH All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
James Madison College MC All courses except MC 299, 399, 400, 401 Students may exercise an Honors Option if they are members of the Honors College or have a cumulative GPA of 3.5. Students who do not meet either of these requirements but would like to exercise an Honors Option may do so if they persuade the instructor that they have a special competence or interest in the subject matter of the course and Honors Option. In order to earn Honors credit, students must complete all requirements for the Honors Option satisfactorily and earn 3.5 or better in the course.
Journalism and Digital Storytelling JRN, DS All courses except those taught by graduate teaching assistants and by part-time, temporary faculty. Required that student and instructor sign a written contract authorizing the requirements to fulfill the Honors Option in the course.
Kinesiology KIN Honors Options may be offered by the instructor of record in any undergraduate Kinesiology course at the 200 level or above with the exception of variable credit courses and internships. 1. Students must earn 3.0 or better in the course.

2. Honors Options may not be offered in courses taught by graduate assistants unless supervision for the Honors Option project is provided by a regular faculty member.  Honors Option project plans must be approved early on in the semester by the faculty teaching or supervising the course

Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures AFR, ARB, ASN, CHS, ESL, GRM, HEB, ISA, JPN, KOR, LIN, LL, LLT, RUS All courses except 1st- and 2nd-year language and composition courses Honors Option Agreement must be completed and approved by midterm of semester. A 3.0 or better in course is also required. Honors Options permitted in courses taught by graduate student instructors, if faculty supervisor oversees the Honors Option.
Lyman Briggs College LB All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Management MGT, ESHP Only courses in which faculty concurs Honors Option is appropriate This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Marketing MKT, IBUS All courses except MKT 293 and 327 1. Honors College students must be in good standing.

2. Achieve a 3.0 grade or better in the course excluding the additional work for the Honors Option.

Mathematics MTH 235 and all 300 and 400 level courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Mechanical Engineering ME All courses except ME 481 Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit.
Media and Information MI All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Microbiology, Genetics, and Immunology MMG, MGI All courses 1. Honors Option is available at an instructor’s discretion. Because of other commitments, a faculty member may not be able to offer the option.

2. The Honors Option requirement will normally entail a significant project of superior quality (a research paper, a major extension of course material, etc.). This project is in addition to the regular requirements of the specific course.

3. At the instructor’s behest, an Honors Option agreement may be drawn up and be signed by the student and the instructor.

4. The student must adhere to the timeline established for the project.

5. Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit, but at the instructor’s discretion, a course may require a higher minimum grade.

6. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.

Military Science, Aerospace Studies MS, AS No courses authorized
Music MUS All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Natural Science Dean NSC, ISE, MTHE, HBIO Only NSC 292, 390, 490, 491, 495, 499 and ISE 301, 320, 401, 420, MTHE 430, and HBIO 495 Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations. Our ISE classes fall under the Center for Integrated Studies-General Science. Gabe Ording is the Director of the Center and Merle Heidemann is the Associate Director should you need additional approval.
Neuroscience NEU All except NEU101 Students mus earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit.
Nursing NUR All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Packaging PKG All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Pharmacology and Toxicology PHM Only PHM 321, 350, 351, 422, 430, 431, 450, 454, 480, 487 This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Philosophy PHL All courses A student wishing the H-designation should secure the instructor’s permission to pursue an Honors Option as early as possible, certainly no later than the end of the first week of the semester. The student should fill out two copies of the “Request for an H-Option” form and have the instructor sign them. The H-designation shall be awarded only if the student completes both the regular work of the course and the additional work for the Honors Option at a level of quality of not less than 3.5.
Physics and Astronomy AST, PHY All courses except PHY 251, 252 Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Physiology PSL All courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Planning, Design, and Construction CMP, IDES, LA, UP All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Plant Biology PLB All courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences PSM, CSS, PLP All courses for PSM and CSS. PLP 405 and 407. This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Political Science PLS All courses except 494 1. Student must earn 3.0 or better in the course.

2. Honors Options not to be offered in courses taught by graduate assistants unless supervision is provided by a regular faculty member.

Psychology PSY All courses except 491 Student must earn a minimum grade of 3.0 in the course to receive Honors Option credit; individual instructors may require a higher grade than 3.0 that should be reflected in the Honors Option Agreement Form
Radiology ANTR Only ANTR 440 1. The Honors designation is granted only if the student attains a 3.5 or higher course grade during the semester in which he/she is enrolled in ANTR 440.

2. The student does not have to be a member of the Honors College to participate.

3. An Honors Option Agreement must be signed by the student and supervising faculty member no later than 10 days after the first day of class.

4. The requirements detailed in the Honors Option Agreement must be completed no later than 7 days after the day of the regularly scheduled final exam in ANTR 440.

5. The Department of Anatomy reserves the right to annually review and modify the unit specific guidelines stated above.

Religious Studies REL All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Residential College in the Arts and Humanities RCAH All RCAH courses are available for an Honors Option, at the discretion of the faculty member, with the exception of 292C, 391, 392 and 491 The Honors Option shall be awarded only if the student completes both the regular work of the course and the additional work for the Honors Option at a level of quality of not less than 3.5. The student should secure the instructor’s permission to pursue an Honors Option as early as possible, but no later than the end of the fourth week of classes. The “Honors Option Agreement” or its equivalent must be completed and signed by the student, and endorsed by the faculty member; each should retain a copy of the agreement.
Social Science Dean SSC Only SSC 290, 299, 293, 399, 442, 490, 494, 495, 496, and 499 SSC 290,293, 299, 399,442, 490, 494, 495, 496, and 499 are available as an Honors Option only with the prior written approval of the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs or the Director of Academic Student Affairs.  A grade of at least a 3.0 must be earned in the course to earn credit for the Honors Option.
Social Work SW All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Sociology SOC All courses except any class that has an Honors section; SOC 496, 497, and 498 are not eligible for H-Options. Available to students who are members of the Honors College or have permission of the instructor. Arrangements must be made between each student and the instructor, preferably prior to the first day of the course. Credit for the Honors Option will be given only if the student earns at least a 3.0 grade in the course, under the same criteria applied to all other students in that course, and upon satisfactory completion of a significant independent project in addition to regular course requirements.
Statistics and Probability STT All courses Students must earn a 3.0 or greater in a course in order to be eligible for Honors Option credit. Students may not earn Honors Option credit for tutoring/help room consultations.
Supply Chain Management SCM All courses 1. Honors College students in good standing.

2. Achieve a 3.0 grade or better in the course excluding the additional work for the Honors Option.

Teacher Education TE All courses 1. Students must earn 3.0 or better in the course.

2. Honors Options not to be offered in courses taught by graduate assistants unless supervision is provided by a regular faculty member.

Theatre DAN, THR All courses except 290, 300, 300A, 300C, 490 1. An Honors Option is available at professor’s discretion. Because of other commitments, a faculty member may not be able to offer the option.

2. Honors Options will not be offered in courses taught by graduate teaching assistants unless the H-Option supervision is provided by a faculty member.

3. To receive Honors Option credit, a student must earn a grade of 3.0 or higher in the regular course and a 3.0 or higher on the additional Honors Option work.

4. An Honors Option is not independent study and does not substitute for a regular course.

Veterinary Medicine Dean VM Only VM 130, 205, 250, 255, 275, 305 1. Student must earn 3.0 or better in the course

2. Graduate students instructors are not permitted to oversee Honors Options.

Women’s Studies Program WS All courses except WS 493 This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures WRA All courses This department is following the University Policy for the Honors Options.
Zoology BS, ZOL, IBIO All courses except BS 110, 111, 111L, 161, 162, 171, 172 Student must earn 3.0 or better in the course
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