Advising is an important aspect of the Honors College. Developing personalized programs of study requires that Honors College & Academic Scholars Program members keep in close touch with advisors both in the Honors College and in their major departments. With the help and approval of these advisors, Honors & ASP students can take maximum advantage of the flexibility they are allowed in filling degree requirements.
Advising Appointments
Drop In Advising: Drop in advising is “express advising” and should be used for any quick questions you may have that will take 5 minutes or less. If you have something you would like to discuss more in depth, please schedule a 30 minute appointment.
Examples of topics that may be discussed during drop in/express advising for Honors College members:
- Honors College Degree Check
- Checking on a missing honors option
- Checking on a missing university substitution
- Checking on course eligibility for a university substitution
Spring 2025 Semester Virtual Drop Ins Only- Wednesdays from 2pm-4pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 928 1304 5726
Passcode: HCAdvising
Additional Enrollment Drop In Advising offered In Person and Virtually from 2pm-4pm the following days:
Thursday, March 13th
Friday, March 14th
Monday, March 17th
Tuesday, March 18th
For in person, please check in at the front desk of 105 Eustace-Cole Hall.
For the virtual option:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 928 1304 5726
Passcode: HCAdvising
Scheduled 30-minute academic advising appointments can be scheduled online at and are available Monday through Friday. We will be offering in-person and online appointment options. Please include your email address in the comments and the advisor will send you a Zoom link/phone# in advance of your meeting if you select a Zoom appointment. For in person meetings, please check in at the front desk of Eustace-Cole Hall in Room 105. As always, you may contact an HC/ASP advisor directly via email with any questions or concerns. Advisors will respond to short email questions, but please allow for 24-48 business hours’ response time.
Examples of topics that may be discussed during scheduled 30 minute advising for Honors College members:
- Major exploration
- Second degrees, additional majors, minors
- Issues meeting HC requirements
- Campus resources and opportunities
Quick Links
- Make an HC/ASP Advising Appointment (must be a student with an MSU e-mail account)
- Student Guide for Scheduling Advising Appointments & Viewing Drop-in Availability
- Enrollment Help Information (Class Search, Shopping Cart, & Planner)
- Continuing Membership Requirements
- Courses Authorized for Honors Options (H-Options)
- Searching for Honors Courses/Sections
- University Requirements Substitution Summary
- Honors Departmental Advisors List
Honors College Academic Advisors
Honors College Advisors are located in Eustace-Cole Hall and advise students from all majors about general university requirements.
Honors College students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with any advisor.
- Brett Binkowski (
- LaDonna Croffe (
- Sadiq Khan (
- Christine Raisanen (
- Amanda Ritter (
To schedule an appointment with your advisor
- Go to and log in with your MSU NetID and password.
- Click the “Academic Progress” tile from the Students homepage.
- Click the tab on the left, labeled “Advising/Tutoring Appointments.”
- To schedule a new appointment, click “Create New Appointment.”
- Fill out the “New Appointment” section details.
- Select an advisor meeting your criteria.
- After reviewing the appointment details, click “Book It!”
Note: If the appointment is successfully created, a green box will show at the bottom confirming. If the appointment was not successfully created, a red box and pop-up will occur notifying you the appointment was not created. Visit the Student Guide for Scheduling Advising/Tutoring Appointments for additional assistance with scheduling 30-minute appointments and viewing drop-in availability.
Honors Departmental (Major) Advisors
Honors College members who have chosen a major preference are assigned to specially designated Honors advisors in their major departments. Departmental Honors advisors who, in working out programs tailored to individual Honors College members, are granted the authority to approve nonstandard courses that members take to fill college and major requirements.
Advising Assignment
If you have declared a major preference, you should work with an advisor in your major to plan courses which will satisfy your major and college requirements. To find an advisor if you have not been assigned to one, consult the list of departmental Honors advisors.
- If more than one advisor is listed for your major department/unit, check to see whether one is listed as “Coordinator” and contact that person for your advisor assignment.
- If no coordinator is listed, check under “Specialty” to see whether the advisors are assigned alphabetically or by major.
All students should work with an Honors College Academic Advisor to select University Requirements substitution classes.
Program Planning
Students Planning Education Abroad/Study Away
Education abroad courses should be approved in advance by Honors College to ensure appropriate credit with respect to Honors College university substitution requirements. Students should indicate Honors College membership on the Course Approval Form (CAF) and the form will route to HC for review.
Freshmen/First-Year Students
You should meet with your major advisor, and probably with an Honors College Academic Advisor, early in Fall and Spring semester to make final course plans for upcoming enrollments. If you add a new course intended for the Honors College University Integrative Studies substitution requirements, be sure to confirm that it appears as a substitution via your Academic Progress. If the course does not appear after you’ve enrolled, you’ll need to submit the Honors College University Requirements Substitution Request Form.